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Got some questions? We might have the answer for you below. If not then feel free to get in touch with us.


Q: Where can I find information about Rotorua accommodation, activities and the destination?

A: Check out the RotoruaNZ website. This is updated regularly and has loads of info to help plan your trip.



Q: Are the race’s certified?

A: No, this event is operated to high standards with a professional event delivery and safety team. However we have not sought to certify the event with Athletic's New Zealand and therefore you do not require to be registered with a club.



Q: Do you offer a group discount?

A: Yes!! If you’re looking to enter with work, club, gym or friends with groups of 10 or more then get in contact with us. Please note that payments cannot be made individually.



Q: Can I walk the events?

A: Yes! We don’t offer competitive walk categories but so long as you make the cut off times you can absolutely walk the races.



Q: What happens if I don’t meet the cut off times?

A: We will have tail end charlies on each event. In addition there are marshals situated throughout the various courses and they may close race tracks and send participants directly back to the Event HQ. This is in the interest of Health and Safety for both participants and our event delivery team.


Transport can be provided for those that do not make the cut off times. Vehicles will be stationed at each mark at cut off time until the tail end charlie arrives.



Q: Is there a minimum entry age for the events?
A: The Kids Forest Run is for Years 1-10 students. The minimum age for the events are:

Trig 5K Loop is 10 years of age

Titokorangi Forest 10K is 13 years of age

Moerangi Half Marathon is 16 years of age

New Zealand Forest Marathon is 18 years of age


All ages are taken from the day of the event



Q: Can I get a refund or transfer my entry?
A: Please see our terms and conditions for our refund and transfer policies.



Q: Will there be aid stations?

A: Yes! The New Zealand Forest Marathon will have 5 aid stations on course with water, snacks, first aid, music and return transport. Some of the Aid Stations will be passed twice. The Aid Stations will be located at approximately the 5km, 11km, 17km, 20km, 26km, 30km and 40km marks. The Moerangi Half Marathon will have two aid stations; approximately at the 11km and 15km marks. All the other events (excluding the Kids Forest Run) will have access to the finish line aid station.



Q: Are we allowed dogs to come around the course with us on a lead?
A: Yes, you can bring your pets on leads but they must be safe and always under the control of the owner. They will be the absolute responsibility of the owner.



Q: Will I get a finishers medal?
A: Yes! Finishers medals for everyone who completes their event within the allowed time. If you don't complete your event you will be provided with a finishers medal for the next category down.



Q: Do I need to be at the prize giving to win a spot prize?
A: Yes, you must be at the prize giving to receive a prize.



Q: Is there mandaratory gear/equipment?

A: Yes! While the aid stations are fully stocked with nutrition, treats and hydration including electrolytes, you must bring your own cup. In order to lower our footprint and impacts on the environment we will no longer be providing disposable cups.


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